Some Like It Hot

Some Like It Hot

Some Like It Hot

Extreme heat is becoming more common in the West, and you might think all plants would suffer equally. But some thrive with strong sun and high temperatures. We say “It’s hot!” and they say “Bring it on!”


  • Crepe Myrtle varieties with tribal names like Arapaho and Zuni are disease resistant and look good year round. The hotter, the better.
  • Oleander loves the heat. Dwarf varieties like ‘Little Red’ and ‘Petite Salmon’ grow to just 4-5 ft tall and wide, so they never need pruning if planted in the right spot.
  • Grevillea species are native to Australia, so they’re adapted to dry heat. They come in many sizes and colors, from the foot-tall ‘Coastal Gem’ to the stunning 12-foot-tall ‘Moonlight’.  
  • Tropical American native Lantana blooms practically year-round in a wild variety of colors.
  • Pittosporums look delicate but are tough as nails and laugh at the heat.
Lantana Camara
Zuni Crape Myrtle
Oleander ‘Petite Salmon'
Grevillea 'Coastal Gem'