Terra Blend

Terra Blend

Terra Blend

The best organic mulch is local and affordable. 

  • All natural, with no dyes or chipped wooden pallets, just clean, hand-sorted green waste.
  • Varied, like the forest floor, with a mix of arbor chip and fresh ramial chipped wood (recently living green material that breaks down quickly and adds a shot of nitrogen to the soil).  A sort of micro composting every time you mulch. 
  • Cheaper than commercial mulch. More than our waste – it’s local hand-screened gold. 


The best organic mulch is applied correctly.

  • First, we chop down aggressive weeds and address any grading issues. 
  • Then we install the minimum proper depth of 3–6 inches. Every inch helps with moisture retention and weed suppression. 
  • We make sure the plant crowns / tree trunks remain clear for plant health.
  • We create Mulch Moats© to keep walkways clean and plants in bounds. 
  • Once we’ve mulched an area, we offer a discounted package to keep it refreshed on an agreed-upon schedule.